Welcome to the GLOVR Hackathon! During this 4-day intensive workshop, we will learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they impact on our everyday lives. We will learn how a VR production is made and we will produce a number of productions together, where we combine storytelling, design and technology to create real impact for a more sustainable future. We look forward to working together!
Tutors from Lyfta:
- Paulina Tervo, Co-CEO, Creative Producer
- Serdar Ferit, Co-CEO, Creative Director
Johannes Metsälampi, Creative Designer, UX designer
Katri Meriläinen, Head of Educational Development
Materials for workshop:
- We recommend that all participants read these prior to the workshop: http://www.yk.fi/sdg
- Please print the following materials (in colour) prior to the workshop: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BBz4jM4w2T5-OtvQ1uKbu8EqiGzrIqcI
- Padlet wall (for posting updates, questions, news throughout the workshop) https://padlet.com/lyfta/bo189twv2f1q -> http://bit.ly/2ztkPO0
- Pitch voting form (link will also be shared on the padlet wall): https://goo.gl/forms/BQKbbpc4s9lAqRwb2
Monday, November 13
- Introduction to SDGs
- (material package to be shared to students by Inka)
- We recommend reading the following: http://www.yk.fi/sdg
Tuesday, November 14
Orientation, Ideas and Pitch Design
SESSION 1 – Venue: Big hall
9.30 – 9.45 – Introduction to the GLOVR Hackathon and timetable of the week
- The overall working method is explained and we go through what each session consists of so that the students can start orientating themselves for the week.
- A group of 10 students will be creating a ‘Making Of’ project during the week, which will work as a basis for a VR makers’ toolkit that we will produce.
- Students will start thinking about which SDGs they feel strongly about and what kind of role they would like to have during the GLOVR Hackathon.
9.45 – 10.15 – A 360 space and a short film from ‘The Awra Amba Experience’ is watched.
- Students discuss in small groups (of 5) what SDGs the film touches upon, how they are visible through the film’s narrative and what could one learn from this?
- A 360 space and a short film from ‘DinnerTime 360’ is watched.
- Students discuss in small groups (of 5) what SDGs the film touches upon, how they are visible through the film’s narrative and what could one learn from this?
10.15 – 10.45 – Presentation of themes: Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Quick brainstorm in the small groups on:
- Group work – how does this theme manifest itself in your everyday life? If not why not? Who does it impact?
- To what purposes is VR best suited?
- What kind of added value can VR bring to Agenda 2030 efforts?
- Ideas are gathered and may be posted on the padlet throughout the week
10.45 – 11.00 – Forming the production teams.
- All the 17 SDGs are up on the wall and students will write their name under them. The students are encouraged to challenge themselves to think critically and from multiple perspectives.
- Everyone selects an SDG to work on (there will be a max of 15 students per SDG; and min 5 students per SDG) so that we end up with 17 teams who will pitch the next day.
- A group of 10 students is also selected to take responsibility of collecting and compiling the ‘Making Of’ project.
11.00-11.30 Lunch break
11.30 – 12.45 Crash course on Brainstorming
- The rules of brainstorming > learning to brainstorm in a positive and encouraging
Students look at Agenda 2030 goals from the angle of their everyday life.
- My everyday life through Agenda 2030 lenses
- Half the group will create a moodboard, half will create a mindmap for the potential story
Outcome: Ready story outlines – one liners
12.45 – 13.00 Break
13.00 ― 14.30 Crash course on Pitching
- What makes a good pitch?
- Pitching checklist
- Groups start to prepare their projects for pitching (slides may be used but not necessary. If using slides, they must be sent as PDF to Paulina (paulina@lyfta.com) by 8.30am Wednesday morning).
Wednesday, November 15
Pitching and Production Design
SESSION 3 – Venue: Big hall
9.30 – 11.30
The 17 groups pitch their ideas in front of everyone. Every group has 3 minutes to pitch and 2 minutes for feedback / changeover. One teacher will be in charge of taking time and notifying the pitchers when they have 1 minute left and when time is out. 6 of the most inspiring and feasible productions will be selected through a democratic voting process.
- After each pitch the group will get quick feedback from an expert panel (panel consisting of Lyfta, tech expert from school and one teacher).
- Voting will be done by all the students and teachers listening in. The voting will happen at the very end and will be done using this link: https://goo.gl/forms/BQKbbpc4s9lAqRwb2
- The students whose productions were not selected among the 6 productions, choose which production they want to be involved in. Max 22 students / production team.
- *Here we would need help from the teachers to make sure it goes smoothly.
11.00―11.30 Lunch break
12.00 – 13.00
Workshop on VR production stages and professional roles & responsibilities. After this brief introduction, students choose to either join the content production or the technical production group during the productions.
13.15 – 14.30
Production Workshops ― The students work in two different groups and start planning and learning how to create VR productions.
- Content production group with Serdar
- Technical production group with Johannes
Back to production teams ― independent production planning in teams
Thursday, November 16
Filming and post-production
9.30 – 14.30
- The whole of Thursday is reserved for filming and post-production.
- The production teams work independently with mentors from Lyfta.
Friday, November 17
Post-production and screening of the productions (MVPs)
Venue: TBA
9.30 – 11.00
- Students finalize productions, with the help of mentors.
- Those students who are not working in technical groups will be given other tasks, for instance:
- Preparing the screening venue, the programme, the posters and anything else
- Planning the continuation of the GLOVR Hackathon
- The ‘Making Of’ group to prepare a short clip to show to everyone.
Venue: Big hall
11.30 ― 14.00
- Production presentations, feedback session and end-summary.
- Feedback forms will be available via Google Drive for everyone to fill in on Friday.
- Have a fun week of learning!
Lyfta Team contact numbers:
- Paulina Tervo 0440998015
- Serdar Ferit 0449728224
- Johannes Metsälampi 0401625505